Monday 2 June 2014

shaklee alfafa

Set Subur Shaklee Kepada pasangan-pasangan yang ingin mendapatkan cahaya mata..bolehlah mencuba set subur shaklee ni..In Sha Allah dapat membantu...Apapun kenali dulu masalah yang menyebabkan anda lambat 'melekat' tu.. baca disini..agar anda dpt mengenali pasti masalah itu.. 20 Kebaikan Alfalfa Shaklee Umpama Kedai Farmasi Alfalfa Sahklee merupakan produk pertama sekali yang dicipta oleh Dr. Forrest C Shaklee pada tahun 1950an. Maka Alfalfa Shaklee merupakan produk signature Shaklee Corporation. Kenapa Dr. Shaklee memilih Alfalfa Shaklee sebagai supplement pertama? Alfalfa merupakan herba tradisional masyarakat orang putih dan mereka menggunakan Alfalfa untuk pelbagai jenis keadaan kesihatan terutamanya bagi wanita selepas bersalin. Oleh sebab Alfalfa mempunyai banyak kebaikkan kepada wanita, lelaki dan kanak-kanak maka Dr. Shaklee merumuskan formula Alfalfa menjadi supplement Alfalfa Shaklee yang sangat-sangat memberi manfaat kepada jutaan manusia. Kenapa saya katakan Alfalfa umpama kedai farmasi? Kebaikkan Memakan Alfalfa 1. Kaya dengan vitamin dan mineral Alfalfa Shaklee Mengandungi vitamin B, C, E dan K dalam jumlah yang seimbang. Mengandungi mineral Kalsium, Magnesium, Kalium, Fosforus dan Zat Besi. Alfalfa Shaklee turut mengandungi, Flourida, Protein, Mineral Surih, Serat, Asid Lemak dan Antioksidan. 2. Alfalfa bermanfaat dalam penyerapan protien, dan karbohidrat. 3. Alfalfa juga bertindak sebagai pembersih darah 20 Manfaat Alfalfa Kepada Kesihatan 1. Merawat gangguan pencernaan 2. Mengawal kolestrol dalam darah 3. Menghapuskan kolestrol buruk 'LDL' dari tubuh 4. Mengurangkan risiko penyakit jantung dan strok 5. Bagus untuk pesakit diabetes kerana mengurangkan paras gula dalam darah 6. Mencegah edema - Pengumpulan air dalam badan 7. Mengurangkan simptom menopous 8. Merawat asthma dan lain-lain masalah pernafasan 9. Merawat masalah sembelit 10. Menyahkan toksik dalam tubuh 11. Mengurangkan kesakitan otot dan sendi 12. Meningkatkan sistem pertahanan tubuh 13. Membantu masalah penghadaman 14. Membantu memperbanyakkan susu ibu 15. Mengurangkan masalah pundi kencing 16. Mengurangkan masalah gastrik dan gangguan hati 17. Meningkatkan kesihatan prostat 18. Bertindak seperti kacip fatimah kepada wanita 19. Menghangatkan hubungan suami isteriShape Up, Slim Down with Shaklee Everybody want to have a trimmed body figure and want to stay healthy. With Shaklee shape up, slim down set, you only have one thing to lose…IT IS FAT!!! You only need: 1. Lecithin/Omega Guard – help to burn fat 2. Alfalfa – for detoxification 3. Cinch Shake – for meal replacement 4. ESP Soy Protein Isolated Powder – help build muscle Omega Guard, Alfalfa, ESP, Cinch Shake Omega Guard, Alfalfa, ESP, Cinch Shake Products Description 1. Omega Guard (90 capsules) RM136.00 Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and Eicosapentaenoicacid (EPA) are omega-3 fatty acids found in deep-sea cold water fish. DHA and EPA are known to reduce inflammation, promote proper brain, nervous system, and eye function and must be obtained through the diet. Shaklee OmegaGuard™ is a dietary supplement containing fish oil. One serving of OmegaGuard™ provides 1000mg of omega-3 fatty acids including DHA and EPA. 2. Alfalfa Complex (S-330 tablets/L-700 tablets) RM53.00/RM97.00 Alfalfa is a storehouse of nutrients. Its tap root reaches down as deep as six meters, searching out nutrients and minerals from deposits in the soil, while its leaves gather large amounts of chlorophyll through the natural process of photosynthesis. Alfalfa contains vitamins A, C and E as well as calcium, potassium, phosphorus and iron. Alfalfa Complex is a Shaklee Signature Formula originally developed by Dr. Shaklee in the 1950s. Natural source of alfalfa. Tablets may be crushed and added to boiling water for a natural herbal drink. This product contains Alfalfa (Medicago sativa). Individuals with a predisposition to systemic lupus erythematosus should consult their physician before consuming this product. If you are pregnant or nursing, ask kindly consult your health care professional. 3. Cinch Shake Mix RM173.00 Proprietary Protein Blend with Leucine - Lactose free - Low glycemic - Non-GMO soy Cinch® Shakes are a great tasting, nutritious way to help retain that all important muscle and keep you feeling full and satisfied while you lose weight. Powered by Leucine™ to preserve muscle while you lose weight. Loads of protein to help you feel satisfied and full. High in fiber, with six grams per serving. 4. ESP Soy Protein Isolated Powder RM150.00 Shaklee ESP powder is a good source of soy protein. ESP provides 14 grams of high quality non-GMO soy protein with all the amino acids, including the nine essential amino acids your body needs for protein synthesis. Unlike protein from meat, eggs and dairy, ESP is naturally low in fat. It is also lactose and cholesterol free. Shaklee ESP: Provides sustained energy and helps ward off hunger because it provides a constant source of energy. Soy protein helps to reduce cholesterol. Contains five essential B vitamins, half the Daily Value for calcium, and soy isoflavones. Studies have shown that soy helps regulate hormonal balance during the transitional period of menopause.* This non-GMO soy protein is produced under an Identity Preservation Program (IPP), which means that the soybeans are tightly monitored and controlled from planting through processing. You are what you eat, this is only for suggestion. You can buy according to your needs. For order, please email me or WhatsApp +6078062203 Contact me ASAP for discount price. About these ads Keistimewaan Alfalfa Shaklee 1. Sumber terbaik dari daun alfalfa (tanpa akar dan batang) 2. Alfalfa Shaklee ditanam tanpa semburan bahan kimia 3. Di sediakan dalam dua pek bersaiz 330 biji dan 700 biji 4. Pil boleh dihancurkan dan dicampur dengan air sebagai minuman herba semulajadi 5. Tidak memberi mudarat kepada bayi yang menyusu seperti panas dan cirit-birit 6. Alfalfa Shaklee tiada perasa tiruan, pemanis, pewarna dan pengawet tiruan. 7. Membersihkan hati 8. Membantu melengkapakan zat dan nutrient dalam pemakanan seseorang

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